2012年9月18日 星期二

《師父贊 2 ﹣後繼無人?》

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《師父贊 2 ﹣後繼無人?》

921() 1014()

今年活化廳再接再厲,邀請到青年文化攪手張景威和長期關注傳統手工藝文化的創作人梁美萍,共同策劃《師父贊 2 ﹣後繼無人?》,希望從傳統工藝師父的口術歷史,進一步探索人情關係在傳統工藝中所起的重要意義,藉以喚起更廣泛的關注和研究。


展覽日期:2012921() 1014()

展覽地點:油麻地上海街404號 活化廳
查詢:3485 6499/wooferten@gmail.com/wooferten.org

傳媒查詢:6095 0290(Reds)/ 3485 6499Justina


“Mastermind 2 -Having No Heir?”

From the very beginning, ‘There is no another master but another apprentice’ is the motto for all masters in all kind of profession. Today, the masters in the industry of Chinese traditional handcraft strongly agree with ‘Having No Heir......’. For examples, The Master of Chinese Traditional Paper Floral Panels - Mr. Wong Nai Chung, The Master of Tin Craft - Mr. Cheung Hin Chi, The Master of Piu Sik (Floating Colours) - Mr. Au Lay Kwei and The Master of Chinese Traditional Paper Craft (Sacrificial Paper Offering) - Mr. Au Yeung Wai Kuen, were all either once an apprentice or a self-learner. In the exhibition “Mastermind 2 -Having No Heir?”, it illustrates how they started from being an apprentice and gradually became masters. And eventually, how they have all kind of unique skills while they’re getting ready to retire. You can also see how they pass their traditional skills in this inconstant and full of ‘instant culture’ century to the next generation.

Woofer Ten, the only community art and culture space in Hong Kong, held “Mastermind 1” 2 years ago. “Mastermind 1” displayed and discovered the masters’ very practical and unique daily traditional community handcraft skills on Shanghai Street. It definitely rearranged the layout of the esthetics on traditional handcraft in Yau Ma Tei. And we’re glad that it was well received. This year, we want to keep up the good job and hold another exhibition  “Mastermind 2 -Having No Heir?”. It is curated by young art and culture planner Cheung King Wai, Reds and artist, Leung Mee Ping, who continually pay close attention to how the traditional handicraft culture pass on to the next generation. In this exhibition, we hope that you can explore more on the oral history and hidden secret of the esthetics on traditional handicraft. Simultaneously, we want to emphasize the catalytic effect on humanity in traditional handcraft so as to evoke the concern and study of it more generally.

The facial expressions and voices, life experiences and the good old stories from four masters are all demonstrated in the exhibition. This proposal is consigned by Lam, Kin Hun  (Joel), Lecturer of Department of Cinema & Television in Hong Kong Baptist University. Joel is also the director, cameraman and the film editor for this exhibition. He put all 4 interviews together and made this documentary video.

 The video will be played at the exhibition for the very first time. We will also display some documents and private photo albums from the masters in traditional handicraft.

 When you are wandering on Shanghai Street, you probably will bump into a lot of masters. “Mastermind 2 -Having No Heir?” in Woofer Ten can definitely show you the humanity of it from inside out. Let’s keep the traditional handicraft up together!

Co-ordinator: Leung Mee Ping, Cheung King Wai, Reds
Director, Cameraman and Film Editor: Lam Kin Hung, Joel
Participated masters: Wong Nai Chung (Chinese Traditional Paper Floral Panels),Cheung Hin Chi (Tin Craft), Au Lay Kwei (Piu Sik (Floating Colours)) and Au Yeung Wai Kuen (Chinese Traditional Paper Craft (Sacrificial Paper Offering))
Organization: Woofer Ten
Exhibition Date: September 21st (Friday)- October 14th (Sunday) 2012
Exhibition Opening: 7pm on September 21st (Friday)
Open Hours: 2 - 8pm (Close on Monday and Public Holiday)
Enquiry: 3485-6499/ wooferten@gmail.com/ wooferten.org
Contact For Media: 6095-0290 (Reds)/ 3485-6499 (Justina)

Special thanks to:
Au Yeung Ping Chi
Vangi Fong
HKBU Academy of Visual Arts

Overall planner:
Hui Hoi Kiu, Angel
Cheung Yung


